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University of Pretoria Online Application 2023

The University of Pretoria (UP) online application for 2023 has commenced. So we’ll bring you the breakdown of the University of Pretoria (UP) admission application process.

The management of the University of Pretoria (UP) is inviting applications for interested and suitably qualified students (South Africans and International) for admission into undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for the 2023 academic year.

Before applying, see the University of Pretoria courses available for the 2023 admissions.

Page Contents

How to Apply to the University of Pretoria

The University of Pretoria 2023 application can be done in either of two ways: hardcopy or online.

To use the UP Online Application System, you’ll need internet access, as well as an email address you can access regularly. This is because as soon as you submit your online application, a student number (EMPLID) will be sent to your email address as confirmation of receipt.

University of Pretoria Online Application

The Online Application System is intended for use by new prospective students submitting an application to UP for the first time. It is not intended for students presently registered at the University of Pretoria.

Click on the video link below for a step-by-step guide on how to use the online application system.

How to Apply to the University of Pretoria

Before continuing please read the admission requirements of the University of Pretoria.

Please ensure that you meet the admission requirements before applying.

  • It is in your best interest to complete your own application. The University of Pretoria does not make use of representatives, agents or agencies during the application process. If you choose to make use of representatives, agents or agencies, you do so at own risk.
  • The closing dates are non-negotiable. It is your responsibility to ensure you apply before the applicable deadline!
  • It is of utmost importance that you provide your correct personal email and postal addresses to enable the University of Pretoria to communicate with you directly.

Persons with disabilities: 

The online application system provides the facility for an applicant to disclose his/her disability status. Applicants are encouraged to make use of this facility to disclose their disability status at this point in the application process. Such disclosure will in no way prejudice an application. Disclosing your disability status enables the University of Pretoria to better anticipate the needs arising from these disabilities.

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Applying via Online Application


You will only be able to submit your online application once you have:

  • Completed the full online application form, AND
  • Uploaded all the necessary scanned supporting documents in .pdf format, AND
  • Either paid the application fee by credit card OR uploaded proof of bank deposit at Standard Bank, Account Number 012602604 (see checklist).
  • If you have not clicked APPLY, your form has not been submitted.

Once your application has been successfully submitted after you have clicked VERIFY and APPLY:

  •  You will no longer be able to do any further editing of your application via the Online Application system.
  • You will be informed by email what your allocated student number (EMPLID) is.
  • You will also be sent other important procedures describing how to check your progress and application results on the student portal.


Checklist for UP Online Application.

BROWSER REQUIREMENTS: IMPORTANT! This site requires Internet Explorer (IE) version 7 or 8 or higher browsers.

DATA INPUTS: When you access the Online Application you will be requested to provide an email address to which UP can send communications.

  • Please take care not to make typing errors when providing your email address.
  • If you require a brand new email address, create a new gmail email address.

As part of the application process you will be required to capture your South African National ID number or, if you are an international applicant, your Passport number.

  • You will later need to scan your ID/Passport document so that it is available to be uploaded.

When you start using the Online Application you will be requested to indicate the “Career” for which you are applying.

  • If you have never studied before or have not obtained any degree yet (new first-year students), please select Undergraduate career.
  • If you have already obtained one or more degree/s, please select Postgraduate career.
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If you are applying as an undergraduate applicant for the first time, you will need to capture the details of your School and School results, which could be either of the following:

  • Your year-end Grade 11 marks, or
  • If you have already completed Grade 12, your final Grade 12 results.
  • You will later need to scan schools results so that it is available to be uploaded.

Warning: When you get to the screen where you are requested to capture the marks, please ensure that you capture your marks/symbols accurately and in the sequence as reflected on your school document. If you record your marks incorrectly, the University reserves the right to reject or revoke your admission.

If you are applying to study towards a postgraduate degree, you will be requested to capture the details of your previous degree(s), eg Degree description, institution and year of graduation.

  • A comprehensive certified academic record will need to be scanned and uploaded, as well as a certificate of conduct.
  • Faculties may later require additional and/or original documents, depending on their specific admission requirements.

SCANNING AND UPLOADING OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS:  You must – either yourself or via third parties eg certain camera/photographic shops – be able to scan each of the requested documents into separate files using a “PDF” file format. Refer to “Guidelines for preparing documents to be uploaded“. Ensure to save with Acrobat or CutePDF and not Acrobat Reader.

Convert any document to PDF to upload on your application.

You will later need to have these “PDF” files available on some form of electronic media (eg data disk, memory stick or your desktop) from which you can upload the necessary files as may be required during the application process.

The University of Pretoria reserves the right to reject or revoke your admission if you provide incorrect, incomplete, illegible or fake documents.

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University of Pretoria Application Fee

Application Fee Waived:

  • Application fees are waived for students who apply for studies at the University of Pretoria if your household income is lower than or equal to R150 000 per annum.
  • Online applicants must upload proof of income in STEP 12 of the online application process. This will serve as proof of payment, to allow you to verify and apply your form. These documents will be verified.

Application Fee: When you submit your study application, you will need to pay an application fee of R300 (30 US Dollars) for 2023.

  • If your household income is more than R150 000 per annum please make use of the following payment options:
    • Online credit card payment as part of this application submission, i.e. by paying with a valid credit card with sufficient funds and by entering the correct details.
    • Note that the online application system can only process payments that reference valid credit card (Master, Visa, American Express or Diners Club) information, with sufficient funds.


  • Use alternative mechanisms (eg Electronic Funds Transfer or a Bank deposit) to pay the application fee into the University of Pretoria’s bank account.

The Bank account into which payments can be made:

Standard Bank:                            Hatfield Branch (011545)
Swift code for internationals:          SBZAZAJJ
Account number:                             012602604

  • When making such deposits please quote your Online Study Application Number that would have been emailed to you as the payment reference (typically in the form T1234567).
  • When making such deposits you must retain the proof of payment as you will be required to scan the proof of payment and upload this PDF file together with your other supporting documents. Please note!  Your last steps would be to VERIFY and click on APPLY.

SEE ALSO: University of Pretoria (UP) School Fees 2023/2022