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La Trobe University Scholarships 2023/2024

Applications are open for interested and suitably qualified candidates for the La Trobe University Scholarships 2023/2024. The entire application details for the La Trobe University Scholarships can be accessed below.

La Trobe University Scholarships

Scholarships Opportunities 2023/2024 Applications are now open!

Australia has six of the world’s top 100 universities. Australia has an exceptional higher education system. With over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions, the Australian system is ranked 8th in the Universitas 2019 U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems, higher than France, Germany, Norway, and Japan. So studying at Australian universities is a great step for anyone’s career.

Australian Government and Universities in Australia offer a wide range of scholarships for international and domestic students every year. These scholarships are either tuition fee waivers, fully funded, or partially funded. Tuition fee scholarships waive off the whole fees, partially funded scholarships provide tuition fee discounts, and fully funded scholarships cover tuition fees, travel allowance, and living expenses.

Degree Level:

Destination Australia Scholarships 2023-24 | La Trobe University is available to undertake Undergraduate, Postgraduate level programs at La Trobe University.

Available Subjects:

The following subjects are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • All Subjects

Scholarship Benefits:

Two payments of $7,500 per payment per year are paid after semester 1 and 2 census dates. Payments will be made for up to three years for new undergraduate students, and two years for new postgraduate by coursework students.

Eligible Nationalities:

All Nationalities

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be an international student commencing their first year of study in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework course in Semester 1 2023.
  • Be studying full-time at one of La Trobe University’s regional campuses.
  • Be residing in or intending to move to a regional area classified as RA2 to RA5, by the Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Area. (Check the 2016 box next to the “ASGS Remoteness Areas”).
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Recipients of the scholarship shall be selected by the University based on their:

  • Ability to meet entry requirements for the course.

Recipient obligations

  • Recipients must meet all the conditions in their Letter of Offer for their course to ensure payment of the scholarship. Conditions of offer can be found in the Letter of Offer sent by admissions.
  • Recipients must be studying full-time at a regional campus in a course that is offered in its entirety at the campus. The scholarship is not transferable to other campuses.
  • Recipients must enroll in four subjects in a Semester to remain eligible for the scholarship.
  • Recipients must reside in a regional area classified as RA2 to RA5, by the Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Area. (Check the 2016 box next to the “ASGS Remoteness Areas”). Recipients must provide evidence of residency if requested.
  • Recipients cannot hold any other University scholarship.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to apply

  • No separate application is required. Students will automatically be assessed when applying for an eligible course.

Application Deadline: 31st December 2023