Below is the list of courses offered at the University of Cape Town (UCT).
Faculty of Commerce
The Faculty of Commerce offers the following undergraduate degrees and diplomas:
- Advanced Diploma in Actuarial Science
Commerce offers 2 undergraduate degrees:
- Bachelor of Business Science (BBusSc)
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom).
Both degrees are offered as standard or Academic Development (AD) programmes. Applicants who meet the requirements for the AD BCom or BBusSc programmes may plan to complete their degree over the standard or an extended period (depending on their faculty points score). The standard period for the BCom is 3 years and the BBusSc is 4 years.
Bachelor of Business Science
In Actuarial Science
In Actuarial Science specialising in Quantitative Finance
Bachelor of Business Science specialising in
- Analytics
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Economics with Law
- Finance with Accounting
- Finance with Economics
- Information Systems
- Marketing
- Organisational Psychology
Bachelor of Commerce
- In Actuarial Science
- In Actuarial Science specialising in Quantitative Finance
Bachelor of Commerce specialising in
- Economics and Finance
- Economics with Law
- Economics and Statistics
- Financial Accounting: General Accounting
- Financial Accounting: Chartered Accountant
- Financial Accounting: Accounting with Law
- Information Systems
- Information Systems and Computer Science
- Management Studies
- Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE)
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
The Engineering & the Built Environment Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees:
Bachelor of Architectural Studies
- School of Architecture, Planning & Geomatics
Bachelor of Science in Property Studies
- Department of Construction Economics & Management
Bachelor of Science in Construction Studies
- Department of Construction Economics & Management
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Civil Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical& Mechatronics Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechatronics
- Department of Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Geomatics: Surveying
Bachelor of Science in Geomatics: Geoinformatics
School of Architecture, Planning & Geomatics
Faculty of Health Sciences
The Health Sciences Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees and diplomas:
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor of Science in Audiology
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
Speech-Language Pathology
Higher Certificate in Disability Practice
Advanced Diploma in Cosmetic Formulation Science
Faculty of Humanities
The Humanities Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees and diplomas:
Bachelor of Music: General Programme
Teacher’s Licentiate Diploma in Music
ACE Programmes
Advanced Certificate in Education: Life Orientation
Advanced Certificate in Education: Mathematical Literacy
Advanced Certificate in Education: Mathematics Education
Advanced Certificate in Education: Multilingual
Advanced Certificate in Education: School Management
Advanced Certificate in Education: Science
Bachelor of Arts in Film & Media Production
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre & Performance
Bachelor of Arts
- African Languages & Literatures
- Afrikaans
- Arabic
- Business French
- Classical Studies
- Dance
- Drama
- Economic History
- English
- Film Studies
- French
- Hebrew Language & Literature
- History
- Italian
- Jazz Studies
- Law
- Linguistics
- Media & Writing
- Music
- Spanish
- Visual & Art History
- Xhosa Communication
Bachelor of Music in Dance
Bachelor of Music: Composition
Bachelor of Music: Education
Bachelor of Music: Musicology
Bachelor of Social Science in Philosophy, Politics & Economics
Bachelor of Social Science
- Economics
- Gender Studies
- Industrial Sociology
- International Relations
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Psychology
- Public Policy & Administration
- Religious Studies
- Social Anthropology
- Social Development
- Sociology
Bachelor of Social Work
Dance Teacher’s Diploma
Diploma in Education
Majors offered by departments outside the Faculty of Humanities
- Applied Statistics
- Applied Biology
- Applied Mathematics
- Archaeology
- Astrophysics
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Ecology & Evolution
- Environmental & Geographical Science
- Genetics
- Human Physiology
- Law
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Marine Biology
- Microbiology
- Ocean & Atmosphere Science
- Organisational Psychology
- Physics
- Science
- Statistics
Performer’s Diploma in Opera
Performer’s Diploma in Theatre
Teacher’s Licentiate Diploma in Music: Foundation
Faculty of Law
The Law Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees:
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Faculty of Science
The Science Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees:
Bachelor of Science
- Applied Biology
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Statistics
- Archaeology
- Astrophysics
- Biochemistry
- Business Computing
- Chemistry
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Games Development
- Computer Science
- Ecology & Evolution
- Environmental & Geographical Science
- Genetics
- Geology
- Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Marine Biology
- Mathematical Statistics
- Mathematics
- Ocean & Atmosphere Science
- Physics