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Visa Free Countries for South African Passport Holders (2022)

Have you been wondering which countries to visit in 2022 with your South Africa passport without a visa? The South African passport is the third most powerful passport in Africa. As a South African, you can have access to 101 countries without a visa.


According to the 2022 Henley Passport Index, the South African passport ranks 42 on the global ranking. Some of these countries you’ll need a visa on arrival, while others offer a 30-day visa-free entry.


Below are the countries South Africans can travel to visa-free in 2022.


Visa-Free Countries for South Africa Passport Holders

Visa Free

Angola Falkland Islands Malawi Senegal
Antigua and Barbuda Fiji Malaysia Singapore
Argentina Grenada Mauritius South Korea
Bahamas Georgia Micronesia St Kitts and Nevis
Barbados Guatemala Mozambique St Lucia
Belize Guyana Montserrat St Vincent and Grenadines
Botswana Haiti Namibia Swaziland
British Virgin Islands Honduras Nicaragua Tanzania
Brazil Hong Kong Niue Thailand
Cayman Islands Indonesia Palestine Trinidad and Tobago
Chile Ireland Panama Tunisia
Cook Islands Israel Paraguay Turks and Caicos Islands
Costa Rica Jamaica Peru Uruguay
Dominica Kenya Philippines Vanuatu
Dominican Republic Kosovo Qatar Venezuela
Ecuador Lesotho Reunion Zambia
El Salvador Macao Russia Zimbabwe

Visa on Arrival

Armenia Ghana Mauritius St Helena
Benin Guinea-Bissau Nepal Tajikstan
Bolivia Iran Oman Timor-Leste
Cambodia Jordan Palau Islands Togo
Cape Verde Kyrgystan Rwanda Tuvalu
Comores Laos Samoa Uganda
Dijbouti Madagascar Seychelles
Ethiopia Maldives Somalia
Gabon Marshall Islands Sri Lanka
READ ALSO  How to Apply for South African Passport Online
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