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University of the Western Cape Online Application 2023

The University of the Western Cape (UWC) online application for 2023 has commenced. So we’ll bring you the breakdown of the University of the Western Cape (UWC) admission application process.

The management of the University of the Western Cape (UWC) is inviting applications for interested and suitably qualified students (Local and International) for admission into undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for the 2023 academic year.

How to Apply to University of the Western Cape

The University of the Western Cape 2023 application can be done in either of two ways: hardcopy or online.

You may apply online. In order to apply online you will need a working email address and a functional cell phone number, or, if you are an international applicant, your passport number.

Once you’ve completed the online application, you don’t need to send a hardcopy application. Hardcopy application is available on campus for those who don’t have access to an internet connection.

University of the Western Cape Hardcopy Application

The University of the Western Cape paper application forms are available on campus. However, there are two different application forms; one for undergraduate applicants and the other for postgraduates.

Ensure all relevant supporting documents are attached before sending off your application form. Applicants are not required to pay an Application Fee for the University of Western Cape admissions.

For the UWC hardcopy application, you’ll need to request an application form.  You can do this in writing or by calling UWC on the following number: +27 21 959 3900/ 3901.


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Applicants must have a valid email address in order to apply online. All communication from the University in regards to your application will be sent via email. Should you not have a valid email address you can create an email account using Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or any other email provider you may prefer.

In order for your application to be considered COMPLETE. You must successfully complete the online application form as well as submit all required documentation.

You can request and send back the completed form to the following address:

Student Administration Department
University of the Western Cape
Private Bag X17


  • ​After completion of the online application form, you will receive a letter via email from the University acknowledging receipt of your application
  • The acknowledgment letter will contain your APPLICANT NUMBER
  • This applicant number is to be used in all communication with the University
  • You will also receive a brochure indicating the SUPPORTING documents that you will need to submit to the University by the application closing dates for your application to be considered complete


  • To upload supporting documents, go to​ complete the form and upload required documents
  • Current Matriculants, do not need to upload any supporting documentation
  • Already Matriculated: Upload your matric certificate/foreign school leaving certificate.
  • Attending Another Tertiary Institution: Upload a certified copy of your academic record and certificate of good conduct, stamped by the institution’s registrar.


  • ​Current Matriculants may be made a PROVISIONAL offer IN 2019 (a provisional offer is not a guarantee of a place to study at the University).
  • Successful applicants will receive communication via email offering a firm place and information about registration and orientation for 2020
  • Once a FIRM/FINAL offer is received, applicants will be required to ACCEPT the offer within the designated time
  • Should you not ACCEPT your offer in the designated period you will forfeit your place to study (your offer will expire)
  • You may, however, call or email the UWC Contact Centre and enquire as to whether your offer is still available even after it has expired and had it accepted on your behalf
  • Applicants who have accepted their offer can proceed and make school fees payment.
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