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Sweden Embassy Contact Details in South Africa

In this article, we will be showing you the Swedish Embassy contact details in Pretoria, South Africa. You will also get to know the Embassy of Sweden’s contact address, e-mail address, website, telephone number, visiting hours and lots more.

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The Embassy of Sweden in South Africa

The Swedish embassy in South Africa is where all correspondences and communications between South Africa and Sweden are handled. The embassy represents the interest of the Swedish Government in South Africa.

They are also saddled with the responsibility of protecting Swedish citizens in South Africa in accordance with the South African Law and Constitution.

Swedish Embassy Contact Details in South Africa

The Swedish Embassy has only one office in South Africa. However, they have two other representation in South Africa. These representations include consulates in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

Swedish Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa


I Parioli Complex
1166 Park Street
P.O. Box 13477
Hatfield 0028
South Africa

Telephone & Fax

(+27) 12 426 64 00

(+27) 12 426 64 64

Email Address


Office Hours

Head of Mission

Ms. Cecilia Julin, Ambassador

Sweden in South Africa

In addition to the Swedish Embassy in Pretoria, Sweden also has three other consulates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Swedish Consulate General in Johannesburg, South Africa


Business Sweden
Ground Floor, Oakhill Building
Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street, Fourways
Private Bag X 1, Dainfern 2055
South Africa

Tel:(+27) 11 300 5600

Fax:(+27) 11 513 0388



Head of Mission

Mr. Tang Zhongdong

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Swedish Consulate General in Cape Town, South Africa


3rd floor, MSK House
13 Buitengracht Street
Cape Town
South Africa


(+27) 21 200 8199
(+27) 12 426 64 00 (Emergency



Office Hours:Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-12:00
Tuesday-Friday: 09:00-12:00

Head of Mission

Geir Tellefsen, Honorary Consul

Please contact the embassy in Pretoria, Johannesburg or Cape Town directly for inquiries and questions regarding visa regulations and passport requirements. Also, contact the embassy to verify the address and opening hours.