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DSV Empowerment Trust Bursaries 2023

Applications are open for interested and suitably qualified candidates for DSV Empowerment Trust Bursaries 2022/2023. The entire application details for DSV Empowerment Trust Bursaries can be accessed below.

DSV Empowerment Trust Bursaries

DSV Empowerment Trust invites South African students to apply for Bursary Programme 2023 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for ALL fields of study (courses, diplomas, and degrees), for DSV permanent employees and their dependents. DSV companies include DSV South Africa (Pty) Ltd, DSV Solutions (Pty) Ltd, DSV Mounties (Pty) Ltd, DSV Road (Pty) Ltd, DSV Shared Services (Pty) Ltd, and The Sisonke Partnership (Trading as DSV Healthcare)).

The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses: registration fees, tuition fees, and prescribed textbooks. The bursary may also provide cover for the following expenses, for DSV dependents: accommodation, subsistence, meals, transport and/or prescribed equipment (dependent on the student’s personal circumstances and level of financial need). Bursary recipients will also receive academic support and mentoring throughout their studies.

The bursary award is renewed each year based on satisfactory academic performance (read more about continued funding on the application form).

Applicants may be required to partake in a telephonic interview, at any time between 28 November and 9 December 2022. All applicants will receive an email informing them of the bursary outcome, by no later than 20 December 2022.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must be Black (African, Chinese, Coloured, and Indian)
  • You must be a current permanent employee of DSV or a dependent (legal or financial) of a current permanent employee of DSV
  • DSV dependents: you must be studying or intend on studying full time, towards a tertiary education qualification in 2023
  • DSV Employees: you must be studying or intend on studying part-time, towards a tertiary education qualification in 2023 (you must attend weekend or evening lectures, tutorials, and any other academic support activity which may improve your chances of passing. Permission to attend these activities must be obtained from the fund administrator. Employees are encouraged to apply at Da Vinci Business School.)
  • The tertiary education qualification must be any accredited course, diploma, or degree, that is at least 3 years long (studies towards accredited online courses from local/ international institutions may also be accepted)
  • You must be studying or have been provisionally accepted to study at a recognized and accredited tertiary institution in South Africa (University, University of Technology, FET College, College)
  • DSV dependents: you must be unemployed and financially dependent on the DSV employee
  • You must NOT be receiving funding from any other source
  • You must be highly motivated
  • You must be determined to succeed
  • You must have a strong interest in your field of study
  • Preference will be given to students with the best academic record and the highest level of need
  • Preference will be given to DSV dependents whose field of study will improve their future employability and falls within the scarce skills spectrum
  • Preference will be given to DSV dependents who are under 25 years old (if applying for undergraduate courses)
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How to Apply

Download the DSV Empowerment Trust Bursary Application Form 2023 (.pdf)

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):

  • Head and shoulders photograph, to be attached to the application form (ID size
  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Matric certificate/ ABET results/ Grade 11 final results (certified copy)
  • Proof of full higher education learning records to date (certified copy)
  • Proof of employment at DSV (latest payslip)
  • DSV dependents: proof of admission/ provisional acceptance into a tertiary institution
  • DSV dependents: letter from DSV employee, confirming your nomination (including their full name, employee code and ID number, and your full name and ID number)
  • DSV dependents: proof that DSV employee is your parent (birth certificate) or guardian (guardianship order or affidavit)
  • Motivational letter, explaining why you should be awarded a bursary and why you have chosen your field of study (read our tips on how to write a motivational letter for your bursary application)

Applications must be submitted in either of the following ways:
– Email:
(Insert the words “DSV-ET Bursary Application” in the email subject line).

– Delivery:
Career Wise
25 Owl Street
Braamfontein Werf