Mel Miller (born 14 October 1943) is a South African stand-up comedian and celebrity. With friend Mel Green, Mel Miller began his career in 1963 as the comedy duo Mel and...
Mojakisane ‘Mojak’ Lehoko, is a South African actor, Stand-up comedian, and scriptwriter. Personal life He was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. Career He started stand-up comedy acting at Cool Runnings...
Carvin H Goldstone (born in 1984, in Durban) is an internationally recognized South African comedian, and the 2018 South African Comic of the year and 2018 Flying Solo Comedian...
Pieter-Dirk Uys (/ˈeɪs/; born 28 September 1945) is a South African performer, author, satirist, and social activist. One of his best known roles is as Evita Bezuidenhout, an Afrikaner socialite....
Joe Parker is a South African stand-up comedian and promoter. Joe Parker is responsible for the long-running comedy show Joe Parker’s Comedy Express, as well as the Improv Express devoted...
Celeste Ntuli (born 25 August 1978) is a South African comedian and actress. She is popularly referred to as the queen of the Zulu comedy and she...
John Vlismas (born 13 May 1973) is a South African stand-up comedian and entertainment promoter. He won the 2007 South African Comedy Award for best stand-up comedian of the year...
Kagiso Lediga (born 6 May 1978) is a South African Tswana comedian, actor, writer, and director. He is the creator and executive producer of the Netflix crime drama Queen Sono which...
Daniel Friedman (born 9 January 1981), known on stage as Deep Fried Man, is a South African musical comedian and writer based in Johannesburg. He describes what he does...
David Barry Hilton (born 29 January 1956 in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia) is a South African stand-up comedian. Referred to by his middle name, Barry (aka ‘The Cousin’), he is...